Marine Electronics

With deep knowledge and understanding of marine electronics as well as the latest technologies, our team is able to provide high-end solutions in that field. Having a wide variety of brands in our portfolio, we can confidently combine and master different brands according to the requirements of each vessel. In addition, our experienced and qualified team carries out installations of different brands ensuring that high-quality and customised solutions are delivered to our customers. Through ongoing training programs, our technicians remain up-to-date with the latest market developments as well as international regulations to ensure we can continue to provide quality service on demand.
Zwana ZS4: Unified Threat Management, Server & Crew Services

Zwana ZS4 is a hardware & software system designed to operate in remote locations utilizing a satellite link for communication. It provides solutions for cyber security with an advanced UTM firewall, network management with Windows Server VM and an Internet cafe from prepay data.
The evolving sectors in satellite communication have brought further requirements for remote locations. Standard firewall solutions are no longer a match for a threatened cyber security industry. Zwana comfortably fulfills these requirements as a powerful hardware and software server platform and industry leading UTM firewall.
Load your own virtual machines to Zwana or even run provider VM’s such as the NSD from Inmarsat. Make your remote location or vessel a direct extension of your office by maintaining full control of your IT policies and applications. All configurable via remote access and online portal.
Zwana is a prepay Internet café allowing users or crew to purchase or top-up existing accounts and allocate the data to specific applications such as web, email and instant messaging. Zwana prepay accounts also allow for roaming between vessels of the same company and avoiding loss of prepaid credit.
Zwana Zs4 is Type Approved by Inmarsat for softNSD v1.5.

This project is cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in the context of the Plan for Entrepreneurship Innovation of the MCIT Republic of Cyprus (SEK-24). Copyright © 2018 G.M Eurocy Innovations Ltd. All rights reserved. A cloud based data transfer and task allocation platform for satellite connectivity

abela is a cloud-based solution for ship managers and enterprise organisations enabling data transfer and task allocation to remote locations such as vessels or sites. When used with satellite connectivity, abela delivers optimised data in
real-time to the main office via satellite – wherever and whenever you need it.
abela provides an online management portal and interface to control and monitor tasks across all your vessels or sites helping you operate more efficiently and reduce administration costs. Choose from abela’s existing modules, or utilise the proprietary efficient data transfer mechanism, eMTM, with your own 3rd party software.
What is eMTM?
eMTM is a minimalistic data transporting mechanism that uses a specialised technology for exchanging compressed, encoded and minified data. This mechanism can reduce data packages up to 2,000 times smaller, saving companies lots of money on their satellite data usage bills. eMTM supports resume-able transport and database synchronization particularly for working over firewalls and satellite connections.
What modules are available?
Drive: A file and folder synchronisation mechanism, enabled through the use of a cloud based storage drive and eMTM. Transmission from ship-to-shore (and vice versa) occurs across folders and files on different machines seamlessly, keeping your information up to date efficiently and effortlessly, with scheduled updates, selective updates, file filtering on multiple fields and levels as well as local caching, versioning and always with the
least possible data exchange required.
Bandwidth Monitoring: A graphical display of data over a period of time, enabling the analysis of where and when the bandwidth was used across any
and all of the modules.
Network Monitoring: Performs network monitoring and scanning of the various crew and business networks on the vessel or site, giving a clear image of the IT infrastructure in real-time. Graphical representation of the network diagram provides an easy to use and solid control when it comes to network intrusion, security, performance and optimization.
Antivirus Updates: Ensures the anti-virus definitions are up-to-date and installed, protecting the network at all times with a cloud based distribution model of download once and deliver to many for the remote office workstations and servers.
Enza: A Mini PC with Maritime Standards

An industrial PC that meets the extreme demands of the maritime industry even for the most discerning of customers, ENZA features a heavy-duty industrial design and aluminium case with lock-in brackets that allows it to operate under extreme environmental conditions. Further to being fan-less, it is shock and vibration resistant without any moving parts. It is powered by an Intel motherboard, which accommodates all the expansion and connectivity modules, meaning that there is no need for use of third-party drivers. ENZA uses a flash storage (mSATA) disk media, which is even faster and more reliable than the revered SSD disk, and it can accommodate Wi-Fi and Gigabit Ethernet, along with boasting seven USB ports, dual screen support (VGA and HDMI), and two COM ports, all of which are integrated with the motherboard. ENZA can be powered with 12V AC or DC, and its consumption is less than 17W when idle.
Enza Pro: Powerful, Reliable & Compact

Our many years of experience in the maritime industry has lead us to design a PC that is fit for our clients. Enza is a powerful, reliable and compact computer that is built to operate in harsh conditions where many others would fail.
Our design is a combination of client requests and experience in vessel IT services. Enza features a heavy duty industrial design, aluminium chassis with lock-in brackets, fanless coolling system and solid state hard drives. The “no moving parts” design makes it resiliant to shock and vibration as well as humid or dusty environments.
Powered by Intel® Core™ U Processors, we are able to asure performance and reliablity with only 12V power supply with a further benefit of only 15-35W of energy consumption.